Posts Tagged ‘security guard’

What Tactical Response Security Services Entail

In today’s world, security is a top priority for businesses and events. With increasing crime rates and safety concerns, it is essential to have a reliable security service in place. Tactical Response Security Consulting Inc. offers high-quality Tactical Response Security Services to businesses in Philadelphia and Trenton. Our team goes through extensive training to set them up for any potential issues, challenges, and security threats.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

One of the primary roles of Tactical Response Security Services is to handle conflicts and maintain peace. This can include diffusing tense situations, managing aggressive individuals, and ensuring the safety of everyone involved. Our officers are trained in conflict resolution techniques and are equipped to handle any type of escalation that may arise.

Unarmed Guards

Use of Non-Lethal Force

Tactical response security officers are equipped with specialized tools and equipment to handle different scenarios effectively. Our team of unarmed security guards still carry ASP batons, OC pepper spray, and handcuffs for restraining individuals who pose a threat. We are trained in the proper use of these tools and only use them when necessary

First Aid and CPR Trained

First Aid, CPR, and AED

Tactical Response Security officers are also trained in first aid, CPR, and AED. In case of any medical emergencies, we can provide immediate assistance until medical professionals arrive. This skill set makes our team valuable assets for any business or event where large crowds are present. Our ability to swiftly switch from security to lifesaving aid ensures a comprehensive safety net for all attendees, giving you added reassurance and confidence in the protection of everyone on-site.

Customer service and Sensativity training

Customer Service and Sensitivity Training

Our Tactical Response Security officers undergo customer service and sensitivity training to ensure that we always provide professional and approachable services. These skills are crucial in maintaining a positive and welcoming environment for businesses and events. Our team also helps in handling diverse groups of people and diffusing any potential conflicts.

Rapid Response

Rapid Response & Lower Cost

Our team also provides rapid response in case of any security breach, which is crucial in emergencies. Additionally, our services are more cost effective than hiring armed security officers, making our services a more affordable option for your business or event. With our trained professionals on standby, you can rest assured that your security needs are in reliable hands, ensuring peace of mind and swift resolution to any potential threats. Our Security Services at Tactical Response Security Consulting Inc. cover a wide range of responsibilities, from conflict resolution to first aid. With our professional and experienced officers, businesses and events can rest assured that their safety and security are in good hands. Whether it’s parking lot surveillance, event security, or theft deterrence, Tactical Response Security Services provides comprehensive protection for businesses and events in Philadelphia and Trenton. Reach out and contact us today to see how we can help protect your business or upcoming event.

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Tips to Ensure Your Event Runs Smoothly

Organizing an event can be an exciting yet challenging task. Whether it’s a corporate gathering, a concert, or a private celebration, ensuring the safety and security of your guests is paramount. At Tactical Response Security Consulting Inc., we understand the importance of seamless event management. Our unarmed security services are designed to provide peace of mind and a safe environment for all attendees.  a security guard at an event in an orange jacket

Conduct a Comprehensive Risk Assessment

Before your event, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities. This process involves evaluating the venue, understanding the type of event, and assessing the number of attendees. At Tactical Response Security Consulting Inc., our experienced security officers conduct detailed risk assessments to develop a tailored security plan that addresses all potential risks. By identifying and mitigating risks early, you can ensure a safer and more secure event. someone in a yellow jacket with security written on it

Hire Professional Unarmed Security Guards

Having a professional security presence at your event is essential. Unarmed security guards from private security companies like Tactical Response can deter potential threats and ensure that any security issues are handled promptly and efficiently. Our trained security guards are skilled in crowd management, access control, and conflict resolution, providing a calm and reassuring presence at your event. Their primary role is to maintain order and ensure the safety of all attendees without the need for firearms. a security officer on a walkie at an event

Implement Strict Access Control Measures

Controlling who enters and exits your event is vital for maintaining security. Implementing strict access control measures can prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining entry and causing disruptions. Our security officers can manage guest lists, check identification, and monitor entry points to ensure that only invited guests are allowed in. Additionally, using technologies such as wristbands or digital ticketing can streamline the process and enhance security. a man in a yellow shirt that says event staff

Ensure Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication is key to managing any event smoothly. Establish clear communication channels between your event staff, security team, and venue management. This ensures that any issues or emergencies are reported and addressed swiftly. Tactical Response Security Consulting Inc. provides communication devices and protocols to facilitate seamless coordination among all parties involved. Our security officers are trained to communicate effectively and work collaboratively with event organizers to maintain a safe environment. security at an event

Have an Emergency Response Plan

No event can be entirely risk-free, which is why having a well-defined emergency response plan is crucial. This plan should cover various scenarios, including medical emergencies, fire incidents, and security breaches. Our security officers are trained in emergency response procedures and can act quickly to manage and mitigate any incidents. By having a clear plan in place, you can ensure that your event continues smoothly even in the face of unexpected challenges. Ensuring the safety and security of your event is a top priority. By conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, hiring professional unarmed security guards, implementing strict access control measures, ensuring clear communication channels, and having an emergency response plan, you can create a secure environment for your guests. Tactical Response Security Consulting Inc. is committed to providing exceptional security services that guarantee peace of mind for event organizers and attendees alike. Are you planning an event and need professional security services? Contact Tactical Response Security Consulting Inc. today to learn more about our unarmed security solutions and ensure your event runs smoothly and safely.

Reasons to Hire a Security Guard

In an era marked by increasing concerns about safety and security, hiring a security guard has become a proactive measure for individuals and businesses alike. Whether you’re safeguarding a property, managing an event, or ensuring the safety of personnel, the presence of a trained security professional can offer numerous benefits. As a leading provider of security solutions nationwide, Tactical Response Security Consulting is here to discuss several reasons to consider hiring a security guard. Learn more below, and contact us for more information on our security services. security guard

Crime Deterrence

The mere presence of a security guard can act as a powerful deterrent to criminal activity. Potential perpetrators are less likely to engage in unlawful behavior when they see a vigilant security presence, reducing the risk of theft, vandalism, or other security breaches. security guard

Prompt Response to Incidents

Security guards are trained to respond swiftly and effectively to security incidents. Whether it’s addressing disturbances, handling unauthorized access, or managing emergencies, security officers are equipped to take appropriate action to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of individuals and property. security guard at a concert

Crowd Control

Events, concerts, and public gatherings often require crowd management to maintain order and safety. Security guards are trained in crowd control techniques, allowing them to manage large crowds, enforce regulations, and prevent potential conflicts or disturbances. security guard at a store

Asset Protection

Businesses with valuable assets, merchandise, or equipment can benefit from the presence of a security officer. Security professionals can monitor access points, conduct patrols, and implement security protocols to safeguard assets from theft, vandalism, or unauthorized use. security guards

Peace of Mind 

Perhaps the most significant benefit of hiring a security guard is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that a trained professional is actively monitoring and protecting your premises or event allows you to focus on your core activities without worrying about security concerns.


At Tactical Response, we are committed to providing superior security solutions that exceed our clients’ expectations. With our experienced security guards, customized security solutions, and commitment to excellence, we are your trusted partner in enhancing security and ensuring peace of mind. Contact us to learn how our security guards can help you!


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What Situations Benefit From Armed Security?

For some people, an armed security guard may feel like a bit of a drastic measure. But, there are more situations than you may think where it is appropriate to work with an armed guard/s. In today’s blog at Tactical Response Security, we discuss a few scenarios and situations that will have the greatest benefit from an armed security service. Keep reading to learn more or reach out to our team at Tactical Response Security at any time.

Businesses That Work With High-Value Goods

Banks are an obvious business where an armed security guard can reduce risk, but many other businesses can find benefit in protecting their goods with armed security as well. Institutions such as high-end jewelry stores, weapons retailers, or even businesses with valuable information can all be targets for thieves and ne’er do wells. You can drastically decrease your risk of theft with a well-trained, armed security guard/s.

High-Crime Areas

It’s unfortunate, but some areas are significantly more prone to crime and theft than others. If you live in an area that just recently had a spike in the crime rate or has had a consistently high crime rate for years now, armed security can help you protect the business you’ve worked so hard for. Vandals, thieves, and people looking for a fight think twice when there is an armed and trained professional looking out for you.

Your Employees Don’t Feel Safe

Regardless of the business you are in, the times, or the area you live in, every employee should feel safe at work. It’s the responsibility of the business owner to make sure that each and every individual feels safe while at work. In the event that your employees aren’t feeling safe, an armed security detail, either temporary or permanent, is an effective way to ensure your employees can focus on the task at hand rather than their safety.

High-Profile Employees/Students

Sometimes, there is no avoiding it. Schools and businesses often have high-profile individuals in attendance. When that is the case, your establishment is at higher risk and may become a target. When you have a high-profile employee or student, armed security may be the perfect solution for protecting the individual and your establishment alike. Learn more about working with armed security at Tactical Response Security by contacting us today.


In today’s day and age, it’s all too common for a business, school, or other establishments to receive dangerous threats. Disgruntled employees, disturbed individuals, or other parties may try to scare your business with threats of violence or blackmail. In some situations, these individuals may even take action/seek revenge against your establishment rather than just making empty threats. Either way, situations such as these are textbook examples where armed security can make a world of difference.

Work With Well-Trained, Armed Security Guards at Tactical Response Security

Armed security can provide you and those around you with the peace of mind you deserve. At Tactical Response Security, we believe that everyone has the right to feel safe. That’s why we offer armed security services with highly trained and professional individuals. Contact us today to learn more and get started with your armed security services.

Who Can Benefit Most From Executive Protection?

Security and executive protection services are becoming more and more important every day. The world is evolving into a strange place where bad things can happen to seemingly anyone at any time. While at Tactical Response Security, we’re sure that everyone could benefit from executive protection on some level at some point, there are some individuals that could benefit more than others. Keep reading to learn more about the types of people who could benefit the most from executive protection services and contact us today to learn more.

Professional Athletes

Sometimes, fans can get a little overzealous. Whether they are fans of a rival team or even fans of the team/sport the athlete is involved in, things can get out of hand very quickly. Not to mention some professional athletes make considerable income, which may tempt unseemly individuals from trying to extort funds from them. Working with executive protection services like ours at Tactical Response Security can help give you peace of mind that you are protected no matter what.

High-Profile Individuals

Professional athletes aren’t the only ones that can benefit from executive protection. Other high-profile individuals, like celebrities for example, can often find themselves the target of criminal activity. Other high-profile individuals may be someone involved in a largely publicized trial, local legends, or someone recently featured in a high-profile news story. Regardless of the situation, executive protection services at Tactical Response Security will access your specific situation and provide security accordingly.

Entrepreneurs That Work With High-Value Items

Whether you are selling a high-dollar item on craigslist or are a high-end art dealer who regularly deals with high-value items, it’s always a wise decision to hire executive protection services to make sure your valuable goods aren’t taken from you. At Tactical Response Security, we offer armed and unarmed executive protection options to help you feel comfortable and safe so you can focus on doing your job.

CEOs/Corporate Executives

CEOs and other high-level corporate executives often find themselves in need of additional security. Executive protection services work well for a variety of executives within large corporations. From rival businesses to former employees, executive protection helps to ensure your safety so you can continue to focus on running your business.

At-Risk Individuals

A common misconception is that executive protection services are only useful to powerful executives or famous people. This couldn’t be further from the truth! Everyday people can also find tremendous value in executive protection services. Perhaps you are meeting with someone who makes you feel unsafe, traveling somewhere where you’ve had trouble before, or need to meet with a former partner with a history of violence. Unfortunately, there are numerous situations in which people find themselves in need of extra protection. Luckily, Tactical Response Security is here to help you feel safe and protected.

Hire Executive Protection at Tactical Response Security

Thanks for checking out today’s blog at Tactical Response Security! We hope you see the value that executive protection services can bring to you as an individual and for your business and will choose to work with us next time you are in need of a little extra security. Feel free to reach out to us today to get started.

4 Benefits of Unarmed Security

When you own a business, you’re constantly battling to make profits, uphold (or create) a great reputation in your community, and so much more. There are a million or more moving parts of running a business, and at times it can be difficult to understand the scope of your needs, or even how you can prepare for anything that could happen at your business. At Tactical Response Security, we work hard every day to provide our customers with information and services that help improve the security and success of their businesses. Today, in this blog, we’re going to focus on some benefits of hiring unarmed security for your Philadelphia business so you can have one less thing to research or stress about. Keep reading to learn more and contact our team today with questions or to get started!

Tactical Response Security Offers…

  • Security Services
  • Armed Security Services
  • Unarmed Security Services
  • Private Investigation Services
  • Executive Protection Services
  • Security Risk Assessment Services
  • Medical Marijuana Security Services
  • COVID-19 Regulation Adherence Services

As with any security service, investing in professional unarmed security is going to help you mitigate security risks you have facing your business — and more effectively than only using security cameras and other security measures at that. This is because you have a highly-trained, well-equipped, and experienced unarmed security guard monitoring your business, identifying risks and threats, and overall, keeping the peace when they need to.

Protection from a Professional Security Expert

First and foremost, the simple presence of a security guard is usually enough to deter petty theft and rowdy patrons. What’s more, the experts at Tactical Response Security are skilled enough to identify most issues before they arise and will be able to prevent trouble. That said, in the event that action needs to be taken, one of our unarmed security guards is exactly who you want to have around. Again, we train vigorously to prepare our guards for all situations, equip them with the fast thinking and decision making skills needed for the job, and we maintain a standard of excellence unmatched by our competitors.

Peace of Mind

Regardless of how often they need to spring into action, simply having unarmed security on your property is going to help offer peace of mind to everyone involved, from you to your employees and customers. At the most minimal, the presence of unarmed security shows you’re prepared for anything without brandishing lethal weapons that could cause uneasiness, or even seem overboard depending on your business’ image. And if your unarmed security ever needs to spring into action, your customers and employees will see, in practice, how well trained and effective unarmed security guards are at Tactical Response Security.

An Affordable Form of Security

Finally, another benefit to consider when it comes to unarmed security is that it’s the most affordable way to get a professional security guard on-site. This is not because they’re less skilled or capable, but instead, unarmed security guards don’t require the licensing and insurance that armed security guards require, or the equipment. While cost is an important factor for any business, we suggest not letting this be the only factor when determining what type of security you’re going to use. If your business faces pertinent risks, the benefits of hiring armed guards may outweigh the cost differential.

Tactical Response Security

While there are amazing benefits to using unarmed security, the best way to determine which security features are best-suited for your business is to consult with our professional security experts. We can provide a risk analysis to determine exactly what you need to be prepared against, and then we’ll outline the different options you have available to meet your needs.

Whether you need unarmed security, armed security, private investigators, or any other security service, be sure to trust the leading service provider in the Philadelphia area. Contact us today!

5 Reasons To Hire Armed Security For Your Business In Philadelphia

Hello, and welcome back to the Tactical Response Security blog. If you’re here because you need expert security services in Philadelphia, contact us today to get started. If you’re here to learn some amazing information about security services, keep reading! This blog is where we supply our customers with articles covering everything you need to know about armed and unarmed security services, executive protection, and more! Today, we’re going to dive into armed security and businesses. In the past we talked about when you need to hire armed security for your business, but today we’re going to switch it up. We’ll be focusing specifically on the benefits armed security will provide your business

Save Money

When you own a business, saving money can truly be a saving grace. Plus, who doesn’t appreciate having some extra money they can use to fund projects or pay off expenses? So how can hiring an armed security service save you money? It’s actually quite simple. Think about it, if you’re in need of armed security for your business, you have two options: train your own guards, or contract a company to secure your business. While training your own security guards may seem like the better solution, it’s not. Training your own security guards means you’ll be spending cash to train (and you’ll probably have to hire an outside source to train your guards). You’ll have to put them on salary, provide benefits, and provide potential for upward movement — all factors that will quickly, and astronomically, add expenses to your ever-growing list. When you invest in expert security services like we provide at Tactical Response Security, not only will you pay a fraction of the price it would cost to train and supply your own security, but you can also rest assured that you’re getting top-tier security experts who you can rely on to keep your business safe and secure.

Peace Of Mind

Our last point leads directly into the next. A major, and perhaps the most obvious benefit of hiring armed security for your business is that you can have peace of mind knowing that expert security personnel are present and wholly dedicated to securing you, your business, and your clients. Again, think of how hiring a professional armed security service will make you feel as opposed to hiring random, independent security guards or training you own. If you’re doing the latter, can you truly be certain that they will know how to react in a pivotal moment? Although they might say they’ve been trained in handling firearms, can you be certain without certifications and credentials? Long story short, you can never be certain that you’re dealing with the real thing when you’re hiring independently or training your own security. With a certified, professional security service provider like Tactical response Security, you can be certain that you’re getting the best services available. We’re professionals, and our entire company is dedicated to training and producing the best security personnel in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. We have the experience, skills, and systems in place that allow us to create security solutions tailored to your specific needs, meaning you can be confident that you’re secure.


Another amazing reason to recruit a professional armed security guard is that you won’t have to worry about being liable. If you are responsible for security guards that you have trained or hired independently, you’ll be liable for the actions they take and the repercussions of those actions. When you work with Tactical Response Security, we’re liable for what our security personnel do. We take care of insurance, and are responsible for our employees. This contributes to your peace of mind in the sense that it is one less thing that you have to worry about. Firearms are huge responsibilities, so not only are you removing the risk of being liable and derailing your business in the event of a problem, but you’re also placing your security in the hands of a company that recognizes that responsibility, holds themselves accountable for the services they provide, and will step up in the (extremely unlikely) event that a mistake is made.

A Secure, Comfortable Reputation

Signs of authority demand respect, everyone knows this. So, a direct benefit of utilizing a professional recognized security firm like Tactical Response Security is that your business will have a great reputation. Not only will armed security deter criminal activity by simply being present, but people will also feel safe knowing that a professional security guard is there to respond to any threatening situations. And that’s just the face-value benefit. Armed security guards also pose a benefit in the sense that they will be the first impression of your business. Yes, like we mentioned above, a major aspect of this is simply the presence of a safety measure. But going further, your security guard will be a friendly, approachable, and reliable aspect of your company. This is especially the case when you work with Tactical Response Security. Our security guards are experts at what they do. They can survey a room or area, recognize threats, and are always prepared to take action at the drop of a hat. While some might worry that an armed security guard might create an ominous, scrutinizing atmosphere, that’s never the case with Tactical Response Security. We’re so well versed and experienced with the services we offer, that we don’t present an atmosphere where every patron of your business feels watched, judged, and uneasy. In fact, it’s quite the contrary. Our armed security guards will make your patrons feel safe, secure, and welcomed at your place of work.

Optimal Awareness

Finally, you’ll experience the benefit of optimal awareness of your business, its security, and any threats that may need to be addressed. For instance, take a look at the state of your business without professional security services. Yes, you may have video surveillance. Yes, you may have invested in security measures like safes, panic buttons, and even personal protection. But can you say you’re getting the most out of it? Most likely, the answer is no. That’s where designated, professional security guards come into play. Their sole purpose is to protect you and your assets. This means you’ll have dedicated eyes on whatever it is you need. Perhaps you’d like an armed guard overseeing transactions, in a marijuana dispensary. Or maybe you need someone to focus on the surveillance footage to identify a person who has been shoplifting. Armed security gives you another set of hands who can do that, and who knows what they’re doing. Ultimately, an armed security guard is the final piece in completing the puzzle of business security.

Tactical Response Security

Thank you for reading five reasons why you should hire an armed security service for your company. Tactical Response Security takes an immense amount of pride in keeping people and businesses safe and secure. We’ve spent years and immense amount of effort working to perfect the expert security services we provide. If you’re in need of armed security services in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New Jersey, or Delaware, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can keep you, your business, or your loved ones secure today.

5 People Who Should Have Executive Protection

Welcome back to the Tactical Response Security Blog where we break down all things security so you can be safer, more informed, and prepared for anything. Today, we’ll be continuing our discussion of executive protection. More specifically, we’ll be looking into 5 types of people who should definitely enlist executive protection services to ensure their safety and/or protect their assets. To review, executive protection is what’s sometimes referred to as close protection. This means that a person who is utilizing executive protection always has bodyguards/personal security close at hand. At Tactical Response Security, we provide Philadelphia with the best armed and unarmed security services available. This includes executive protection, event security, business security, and more. If you need expert security services at your disposal, make sure you give us a call. We’d be happy to help. Until then, keep reading to learn more about the 5 people who should have executive protection.

High Profile Individuals

In today’s world, “High Profile” can mean a lot of things. Maybe you’ve just acquired a large sum of money via inheritance or lottery winnings. Perhaps you’re a key witness to a major criminal case. You could even be someone who’s been involved in a nationwide controversy. Being high profile can encompass many different scenarios. When your personal business is in the public eye, that draws attention. While sometimes that can be a good thing, other times it can put a target on your back — literally. Either way, when a high profile individual enlists executive protection, especially the executive protection services from Tactical Response Security, they can rest assured that they’re safe which then allows them to focus on dealing with the events that have made them high profile.

CEOs/Business Owners

While CEOs and business owners could fall into the category of a high profile individual, their situations and the reasoning for why they should have executive protection are a bit different. The main difference is that the high profile individuals we mentioned above are usually only in the public eye for a short amount of time. Once their case is over, they’ve dealt with their lottery winnings, or the controversy has died down, so the potential risk against their person has died down as well. This isn’t necessarily the case for CEOs and business owners. This is because where high profile individuals are able to step out of the spotlight after some time, a CEO or business owner is always going to be a symbol of wealth, success, and power. Thus, they’re going to remain at risk of someone trying effect or benefit from their status. While there’s no use in fantasizing about all the different scenarios where someone may want to hurt, rob, or kidnap a CEO or business owner, it is important that we recognize the possibility. When a CEO or business owner recruits executive protection, they’re able to have peace of mind knowing that a trusted guard is always watching their back. That way, they can continue with business as usual and their bettering of the city of Philadelphia.

The Wealthy

Similar to CEOs and business owners, there is a consistent risk posed to wealthy individuals. Often times, it’s people with wealth who are scoped out by thieves, and that won’t change as long as said individual is wealthy. Enlisting executive protection to keep a wealthy person safe is a great idea because, although being the target of robbery or harm shouldn’t be a cause of paranoia, it’s a definite reason to invest in protection. When investing in elite executive protection, like the executive protection services we offer at Tactical Response Security, you’re investing your wealth in the reason for your wealth — yourself.

People Who Handle Your Money And/Or Valuables

If you’re a business owner who is constantly taking valuables from your place of work to the bank or if you’re in the business of transporting valuables, executive protection is a must. An unprotected transport of valuable materials, be it money, priceless goods, or artifacts, is easy pickings for experienced thieves. However, if you’re transporting valuables and you have executive protection experts in tow, just the mere presence of security will likely deter criminals. That being said, in the event that someone would attempt to rob you, you’d have expert protections in place that will keep you safe and protect your valuables. When the transport of valuables is a commonplace happening in your life, it’s important that you invest in security measures. It’s a lot like wearing a seat belt, you don’t realize how important it is until you need it. And if you don’t have it when you need it, well, you’re out of luck.

Recent Divorcees And Victims Of Disputes

This is an often overlooked benefit of executive protection. In the event of a bitter divorce or a situation where a victim has escaped an abusive environment, executive protection can not only provide expert security services to keep the affected person safe, but they can also provide much needed peace of mind. Divorce and abuse are two traumatic events that can detrimentally affect one’s sense of security and comfort. By enlisting executive protection, the affected person will have a person who they can trust, entirely dedicated to their security and safety. It’s truly making the best of a terrible situation, as the person will be able to rest assured that someone has their back, and they can put the traumatic events of the past behind them.

Tactical Response Security

At Tactical Response Security, we’re dedicated to keeping people safe and providing an unwavering sense of security and stability. Our company offers security experts who are capable of providing armed and unarmed security services, and understand how to properly secure and survey a location to ensure it’s safe. While we’d prefer to live in a world where people didn’t harm each other or make each other feel unsafe, we recognize that’s not always the case. That’s why we’re committed to providing the best security services in the Philadelphia area. If you’re in need of security services, or simply interested in learning more about the services we offer contact us today!

Security Tips For Your Dispensary

In previous posts, we’ve covered a few ideas on how you can improve your safety at your dispensary and whether you should get a security company involved at your worksite. These posts have been popular with our customers, and since the cannabis industry has been blossoming in recent years, we thought it prudent to continue to offer more security strategies for growers and sellers in Trenton and beyond.

Commit To Continuous Production

Some cannabis growing operations only produce large batches once or twice a year. While this might work in the short-term as it can keep costs down, in the long-term, it could be causing security concerns. When you have a year-round production cycle, you’re holding onto the same employees. Once they’ve been vetted and hired, you can rely on them to keep an eye on your product, limiting employee theft. That’s because you’re not hiring a new group of employees every time you start a new crop.

Make Identification A Priority

For those employed in the cannabis industry, this is already a reality. Employees may have to get a state-issued license or ID to work in a dispensary. Make sure your employees are wearing these every day at work all through their shift. By having them clearly displayed, you can quickly recognize if someone doesn’t belong by the counter. You can do the same for your customers by checking their IDs and med cards at the door. This not only ensures that no one underage or without their med cards makes it into the dispensary, but it also helps you to keep a record of who’s coming and going should there be a robbery or security concern.

Offer Your Employees Ways To Report Theft

The majority of your employees are honest and trustworthy and are just as concerned about shrinkage and employee theft as you are. But some might not feel comfortable reporting internal theft for fear of reprisals. Create an anonymous system that allows employees to submit their concerns about other employee activity.

Partner With A Security Company

A security company can be a great asset in helping our dispensary grow and achieve financial success. However, don’t hire just any company. Look for security companies who have a background in medical marijuana protection. They’ll be aware of the nuances and compliance concerns of the industry and will be aware of the unique security threats your dispensary faces. This means less time bringing your security guards up to speed and more time protecting your products, employees, and customers.

Focus On Protecting Your High-Value Assets

For many, they might think that their most valuable assets would be the cannabis plants themselves. In reality, it’s likely the finished products you have on-site. These are easier to steal. Focus your security efforts on these assets, but don’t skimp on your plants either.

Trenton’s Choice For Medical Marijuana Security

Whether you grow, sell, or transport medical marijuana, Tactical Response Security can make your work safer and more efficient. Contact our security experts to see how our unarmed security teams can help your business grow.

Does Your Small Business Need A Security Guard?

As a small business owner, you’ve already got more than enough to think about all day. Employee rosters, shipping manifests, customer requests and so much more clutter your thoughts and your desk. Hiring security for your business in Philadelphia might be the last thing on your mind, but when things start to go missing, or you find your employees are getting accosted after work, it might move higher up the priority list.

Still debating whether you need a security guard? Here are the common challenges small businesses face that could be lessened by the presence of a security guard.

Your Business Is In A High Crime Area

Depending on your location in Philadelphia, your business might be at greater risk than in other areas. Because of lighting, police presence, as well as the neighboring businesses, your own business might be the target of break-ins and robberies, or worse.

You’re Suffering From Theft and Shrinkage

If you run a storefront, your products are the lifeblood of your business. But if you’re finding more and more product disappearing off the shelves, it’s time to reassess if you need someone keeping an eye on things. Theft is the result of customers or petty criminals taking your product. Shrinkage is when your own employees take from your business.

You’re Facing Parking Lot Issues

In some cases, your parking lot may be preventing your customers or your employees from getting through the doors of your business. Your customers and employees might be approached by threatening individuals who demand their money, time, or safety. The security of your parking lot translates to the financial security of your small business.

Your Business Serves Alcohol

If you own a restaurant, bar, brewery, or club, you already know what too much alcohol can do to someone. But if your staff doesn’t feel comfortable confronting someone who’s had too much to drink, what are you supposed to do? Left unchecked, an intoxicated individual can create property damage and scare away potential customers.

Your Business Doesn’t Have a Great Safety Record

If you’re frequently the target of break-ins or robberies, news of this will spread around. You’ll find that once regular customers will choose to visit other businesses instead. You might have a hard time hiring new employees as old ones leave. How others perceive the safety and security of your business can directly affect your bottom line.

Your Concerned About Your Own Safety

It’s hard to put a price on peace of mind, but if you constantly feel under threat of harm or robbery while you’re at work, that’s probably the best sign that it’s time to hire a security guard for your Philadelphia business.

We’re A Leading Security Company In Philadelphia

At Tactical Response Security, we take your safety seriously. We only hire the most promising of security guard candidates, ensuring that our security specialists are among the best in their field. Contact us today to speak with a security consultant to begin developing a custom security protocol for your small business in Philadelphia.

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